New TV Ad Asks Rep. Taylor To Reconsider Support For #TrumpTax

Six-figure buy from For Our Families features Marine Corps Veteran

Virginia Beach, VA–Three weeks before Tax Day, For Our Families has launched a new television ad in Hampton Roads questioning Congressman Scott Taylor’s support for the TrumpTax bill that cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires at the expense of working families. The ad is is part of an ongoing campaign from For Our Families, which launched last week with an event marking the 8th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and Taylor’s ongoing obstruction of healthcare access.

The new ad, “Veteran”, features Kyle Green, a Marine Corps veteran who served in Afghanistan. “As a Marine Corps veteran, I know the sacrifices that are necessary to secure the blessings we enjoy in America,” said Green. “That’s why I’m so troubled by the TrumpTax law that undermines some of the values that make this country great–investing in the middle class and ensuring that every family has an opportunity to succeed. I was disappointed to see Congressman Taylor vote for this giveaway to millionaires and billionaires. As we approach Tax Day, I urge Congressman Scott Taylor to put our families first and support repealing the TrumpTax.”

Watch “Veterans”


KYLE GREEN: “I served in the United States Marine Corps from 2007 through 2015. Deployed to Afghanistan, the greatest privilege of my life. I will always be proud of my country.

“But right now, I’m really frustrated by what’s going on in Washington DC. Congressman Scott Taylor voted for the new tax law.

“It’s not a middle-class tax cut, it focuses the benefits on the wealthiest 1% of this country. It adds a ton to the national debt. And now they’re talking about paying for it by cutting Social Security and Medicare.

“Call Congressman Scott Taylor, tell him to repeal this tax law.”

For more information or to schedule an interview with Kyle Green, contact Anna Scholl at



For Our Families is an organization of grassroots activists working to ensure that all Virginians can succeed in today’s economy. Through community partnerships and digital strategy, the coalition aims to ensure that all Virginia’s families have a fair shot to access health care and economic prosperity.